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Gentle Hatha Yoga

Warrior One

Practising the basic postures of yoga. Breathing deeply, moving slowly into sun, moon and earth salutations with restorative postures towards the end of the class. The class is aimed at de-stressing, stretching and opening the body. Open to beginners who would like to learn or those who practise yoga already and would like a gentle Hatha class. If you haven't tried yoga before practise sitting on the floor cross legged and kneeling, if you can manage this you'll be fine to attend your first yoga class. 

Energising Cardio Kundalini Yoga

Dance Class

A great workout. Build strength, determination, break through mental limitations, getting the blood pumping. A fun, lively yoga session with funky beats. The sets strengthen your core, mobilises your spine, stimulates & distributes your energy balancing the chakras and energy systems within. Work individually at your own pace, resting if needed sometimes visualising postures to train your mind. Beginners welcomed.

Mantra, Rest & Singing Bowls

A yoga teacher and her student meditate sitting across from each.jpg

We start with chanting simple mantras for example Har meaning manifestation, or Sat naam meaning truth is my identity to vibrate our voice connecting our soul with the cosmos through sound. We'll then practise another simple mantra. It is a mediative practise to help relax and focus the mind. The latter half will be a guided relaxation laying down listening to a meditative instruments. No need to be good at singing, it's about learning to create your sound in a therapeutic way, connecting with your voice. Strengthening the throat chakra enabling you to better express and communicate your desires and needs. Mantra meaning mind wave, cutting through the thoughts of our busy minds.

Chair Yoga

Healthy senior Asian women doing exercises with chair, sport elderly lady practice yoga is

Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Chair yoga classes typically target those with physical disabilities or aging men and women who find a typical yoga session too challenging. It is also a great form of yoga for beginners or anyone who wants to focus on a gentle practice. We'll combine Hatha and Kundalini yoga postures with breath and rest. 

Deep Tissue Barefoot Massage


This amazing deep tissue massage is applied by one and/or two-footed strokes distributing pressure evenly over a large area of the body, providing a deep and relaxing massage without the pain often associated with traditional deep-tissue massage. Long, consistent compression from a well trained foot releases adhesions, trigger points and chronic holding patterns, and encourages your body’s natural healing potential. Myofascial stretching with vertebral traction elongate the spine, improving movement and posture while relieving chronic pain and spasm. Deep, broad pressure improves flexibility and range of motion. Note only suitable for adult size 8-10 above and under 70 years old. If you have Osteoporosis a lighter treatment would be advised.



Shiatsu means finger pressure in Japanese. The therapist uses her fingers, thumbs, palms and forearms to press, stretch and mobilise the clients body. Working along meridian lines to free energy and help ease muscle tension. Rocking and energy techniques are interwoven to help the body to let go and receive healing. Pulsing and rhythmic pressure is used, it promotes emotional and physical calm and helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Come in comfy items with no zips or buttons. It can be applied with medium pressure or very light pressure depending on what serves best. 

Singing Bowl Massage

Woman making relaxing massage, meditation, sound therapy with tibetian singing bowls. Stre

Tibetan singing bowls are then placed on different parts of your body while being chimed in order to create varying sounds and vibrations so that vital energy can flow freely. As our body is made of about 60% water, sound vibrations from the singing bowls generate patterns at certain frequency's thereby inducing a deep meditative and peaceful state of mind. This type of therapy can reduce stress, pain, depression, and other forms of mental pressure. Other benefits are total relaxation, reaching a deep meditative state, rejuvenating your body, balancing your chakras and improving mental clarity. Feeling and hearing the vibrations from the bowls reach deep into the body in a different way that massage and other touch modalities can't reach. Come in comfy clothes with no zips, buttons. 

Flow Massage

Close-up male hands doing healing massage with oil to a young girl in a dark cosmetology o

Flow massage uses elements of prayer, breathing and dance to restore energy and soothe the body. It is also known as the 'loving hands' massage. Warm oil is poured over the clients body and long sweeping, wave like strokes flow up and down the length of the body like the ocean coming into the shore. Minimal draping is required in this treatment, the client is naked and only private areas are covered. The therapist makes use of the forearms and the hands in a fluid, rhythmic motion, massaging different parts of the body at the same time. This helps the client relax as the brain can't focus on two different areas at once. By not working on areas in isolation, a deep sense of stability and peace is achieved.

Gentle Meditative Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga Class

Known as the yoga of awareness. Kundalini means inner primal energy. Kundalini yoga works the nervous and glandular system in particular. Slow movements with long deep breathing are encouraged to promote healing and de-stress. A typical class combines Manta, Postures, Breath and Meditations. Beginners welcomed.

Breath, Rest & Singing Bowls

Kundalini Yoga Breathing

A yogic breath work class with relaxation and meditations. Increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain and body have significant physical impact on your wellbeing, and a host of health benefits. The increased oxygen flow and intense relaxation which automatically happens afterwards helps you let go of anger, sadness and other emotions, helping you feel unstuck mentally. The latter half of the session will be relaxing, laying down, listening and bathing in the sound waves of the singing bowls.


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A sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are bathed in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, tuning forks, and the human voice. Benefits can be relaxation, reduced physical pain, improved mood, reduction in stress, anxiety and depression. Lay down for the hour focusing on your breath, the sounds and practising letting go again and again. 

Sports & Remedial Massage

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Sports and remedial massage therapy is a focused massage on a certain area of the body, typically on a problem area causing pain or discomfort. I use a combination of deep and light modalities to loosen muscle knots, improve blood flow, and prevent lactic acid buildup. Sports massage is known to maintain good muscle condition and to help prevent injuries. I work along side physiotherapists, they are better at diagnosis. I do the manual labour to correct the injured tissues and your job is do the rehab exercises at home and enhance wellbeing/health routine working together you will get results.


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In Japanese, ashi means foot, and atsu means pressure; so it literally translates to foot pressure. Using the acupressure points along the meridian lines pressure is applied to open the energy channels and help release any stuck energy, harmonising the body. Come in comfy clothes with no zips or buttons. It is a deep tissue treatment using the therapists feet to pressure, knead and stretch the clients body, easing muscle tension, establishing equilibrium and a healthy energetic flow within the body. If you struggle to comfortably turn your head to the side when you are face down please let me know when booking and i'll arrange another couch set up.


Neck Therapy

Western Acupuncture also known as dry needling.Dry needling is used to increase range of motion that may be limited due to muscle tightness or scar tissue. Dry needling may also treat: Joint problems, Disk problems​, Migraine and tension-type headaches, Jaw and mouth problems (such as temporomandibular joint disorders or TMD), Whiplash, Repetitive motion disorders (like carpal tunnel syndrome), Spinal problems​. If new to acupuncture, start with one needle to see how it feels. Start gentle and build up treatments. You may like electro acupuncture. It uses electricity to enhance the benefits of this traditional therapeutic treatment. A small electrode is attached to the needles. A small amount of electricity runs through the electrode and gives a slight vibration or soft hum during treatment. ‌The electrode gives off the effect of your acupuncturist activating the acupuncture point with their hands. This ensures you get the right amount of stimulation during your whole treatment.

Energy Work

Energy Healing

Reiki is a type of energy healing performed over clothes. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks, improving the flow of energy around the body, it can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness. Some conditions that people have used Reiki to help treat include: cancer, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, chronic pain, infertility, neurodegenerative disorders, autism, crohns disease, fatigue. The therapist rests her hands lightly over parts of the patients body, moving slowly and intuitively connecting to the universal energy and allowing it to transfer through her hands. The therapist may do another round hovering her hands around the body. If the client is open and ready to receive universal energy then it can be a powerful and effective healing treatment.

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